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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards Essay Example
Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards Essay For my basic audit I am going to take a gander at shoe planners Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards, and particularly at their, 1989 glass beaded night shoe. A large portion of their prized piece where made during the 1980s and with run of the mill 80s styles and structures; Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards make rich shoes and boots. The following is an image of one of the numerous incredible Pop workmanship shoe. Silk faiile siphons with fuchsia toes and turquoise heels with chartreuse lower legs and orange frameworks. High contrast checkerboard triangles uncover the instep of your foot and they are lined in tangerine glossy silk. I like this shoe since it is the kind of garment that truly sticks out, there is an exceptionally changed bed of hues, with pulls in the eye, however by and by I dont truly accept that these shoes are down to earth, as it were of style. I feel that you would find that there is a set number of garments you could wear with these shoes, albeit some would contend this is the thing that style is about. Wearing a garment once, just to get saw, yet nothing to exceptional. These shoes appear to be the shoes that you would take a gander at from a separation, as opposed to very close. At the point when I take a gander at these shoes, I dont see story or significance behind them, yet I do accept that they mirror the social foundation, and style of the 80s uproarious and unbelievable, the hues conflict. These shoes are resistant made for the eighties. We will compose a custom article test on Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Presently I am going to take a gander at another shoe, the glass beaded night shoe. This is an exquisite shoe, for an elegant event. The shoes have been beaded with 1 enormous glass dab, and 6 marginally littler glass dabs. There is likewise an assortment of different dabs and sequins which leaves the shoe looking silver on top of, it is a restricted shading bed, however this has been done to make an increasingly costly look. This can frequently convince the purchaser to purchase these shoes instead of a silver pair of shoes that stand out from another shading, as this can regularly look shabbier. Additionally the dabs make a glossy surface and this pulls in the eye. The originators have utilized these methods to ensure that individuals are pulled in to the shoes and notice them. Taking a gander at the shoe, it causes me to feel upbeat and better about my self. In the event that I where to be wearing these shoes I would feel special as if the shoes where made only for me, and I would feel like I was wear something of high caliber. I imagine that the utilization of dabs and silver (a valuable metal) makes those emotions. I likewise feel like I would need to contact it, to check whether the dots feel smooth or hard, and whether they where cold or warm, despite the fact that it's anything but a material I believe that the shoe on an entire is material. These are the shoes which loo great either from a separation or very close, the grab someones attention from a separation and they become pulled in to the shoes, the fine point by point work would then be able to be appreciated from very close. On the shoe there is a balanced example. The two sides coordinate, coming the shoe, and this make an even, even looking shoe. It is a useful shoe, as it tends to be worn and the heel on the shoe isn't so high, hence it is reasonable for additional individuals to wear, yet there is no back to the shoe. This is clearly a decision of individual taste whether one feels good in a shoe that way. Not at all like different shoes I have taken a gander at in my examinations, these shoes don't make me figure, I don't perceive any story or pictures inside the piece, however on the off chance that the creators had needed to included something like this it must be covered up or unique. I feel affected by the fashioners work, I need to remember the utilization of beading for my work, I trust that this will make a picture of value and draw in the eye. I for one would like to have a greater amount of changed scope of hues, and I need to utilize something brilliant and an eye-getting style that will interest individuals. I think having a subject to my work is a smart thought, regardless of whether there was a story inside the shoe, I believe that way it turns out to be increasingly inventive and individuals are bound to e drawn towards it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
litereary poem notes :: essays research papers
Artistic Terms for Poetry 1.     Alliteration: The reiteration of starting consonant sounds 2.     Assonance: The redundancy of vowel sounds followed by various consonants in at least two focused on syllables 3.     Blank Verse: Poetry written in unrhymed predictable rhyming lines 4.     Concrete Poem: A sonnet with a shape that proposes it’s subject 5.     Consonance: the redundancy in at least two expressions of definite consonants in focused on syllables 6.     Couplet: A couple of rhyming lines as a rule of a similar length and meter 7.     Dramatic Poetry: Poetry that includes the strategies of show 8.     Epic: A long account sonnet about the deed of divine beings and saints 9.     Extended Metaphor: A subject is spoken or composed of just as it were something different 10.     Free Verse: Poetry not written in a customary rhythmical example or meter 11.     Haiku: Japanese sonnet written in 5-7-5 needs to pass on a solitary distinctive feeling by methods for pictures from nature 12.     Lyric Poem: An exceptionally melodic section that communicates the perceptions of the essayist 13.     Mood: The inclination made in the peruser by an abstract work or entry. The temperament is frequently proposed by graphic subtleties 14.     Onomatopoeia: The utilization of words that mirror sounds 15.     Parody: A work done in impersonation of another, as a rule so as to deride it, however at times just for the sake of entertainment 16.     Personification: A kind of non-literal language in which a nonhuman subject is given human attributes. 17.     Pun: A statement with a double meaning dependent on various implications of words that sound the same 18.     Refrain: A rehashed line or gathering of lines in a sonnet or melody 19.     Repetition: The utilization, more than once, of any component of language-a sound, a word, an expression, a condition, or a sentence 20.     Rhyme: The reiteration of sounds at the parts of the bargains rhyme happens when the rhyming words show up in a similar line
Monday, August 10, 2020
Lets Get Physical
Let’s Get Physical Olivia Newton-John, I am not, but I can still pretend. MITs Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation (DAPER) is in charge of the physical education (PE) requirement that MIT students have the privilege of completing before grdauation. You can read more about the PE requirement here. If youre a varsity athlete, earning your 8 units of PE credit will most likely not be difficult. Though I run 4 miles every morning and sort of played intramural (IM) dodgeball with my floor (before chickening out after seeing how psycho all the Ben Stiller-wannabes were), I need to get my 8 units the old-fashioned way: PE classes. (I was going to make a joke about how IM sports arent sports you play online, but people make plenty of those jokes during Orientation, so Ill save mine for then.) There are lots of sessions for PE classes 2 during each semester, during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), and over the summer. So far, I have taken beginner tennis. Thats it. They recommend you finish your PE classes by sophomore year, but obviously its a little late for that. I hope I dont end up like my friend Rose, who took PE golf right up until May so she would be able to graduate in June. (No offense, Rose. You still rock.) Okay, so I went through the list and picked out the ones that sounded interesting/do-able. Please help me pick which class(es?) I should take this semester. Archery A basic course in fundamentals of target shooting. Class will be conducted indoors. Bootcamp Workout A highly challenging and very intensive fast-paced structured workout to improve cardiovascular fitness, balance and coordination, muscle strength, agility, flexibility, and overall physical conditioning. Cardio Kickboxing Incorporates Taekwondo and Boxing. Excellent aerobic workout designed to focus on toning and strengthening while utilizing self-defense and martial arts based moves. No previous experience necessary. Dance-Middle Eastern This tradition is vivacious, supple, graceful, and sublime. Classes consist of warm-ups, exercises focusing on isolation and coordina- tion, followed by dance combinations. All WOMEN regardless of age and figure are welcome. Wear leotard, tights, or loose-fitting clothes to class. Dance- Modern Squares This challenging class teaches you Plus level square dancing set to a wide range of modern music. We begin by teaching you the calls which make up each level of dancing, which you then apply throughout the class. A group of eight dancers works together in this unique form of American dance. Focus is on fast and rigorous learning, reaction time, and flow. No experience or partner necessary. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Location changes: first class in Lobdell. Figure Skating This class builds on the skills taught in the general skating class. It is assumed that you will already know how to skate backwards and forwards. This class will improve your style of skating, and you will learn a variety of figure skating moves, including forward and backward edges, mohawk and three turns, spirals, lunges, spins, and a variety of jumps (bunny hops, waltz jumps, toe-loops, mazurkas, salchows, etc.). You must have figure skates. (Hockey skates are unsuitable for this class.) Rentals are available at the rink. Fitness For Life This class is comprised of aerobic exercise, strength training, stretching, and an assorment of mini-lectures on nutrition, injury prevention, and what occurs physiologically while you are getting fit. Please dress for activity for first class. Juggling In this class, students will learn the basics of both toss juggling and diabolo (Chinese yo-yo). We will cover techniques including three, four and more balls, passing, tricks that impress audiences and tricks that impress jugglers. The class is geared toward beginners, but students with previous experience are welcome to come and learn more advanced techniques. Karate Shokotan This class is an introduction into Shotokan Karate. Shotokan is the oldest and most popular Karate style. Enlightenment is its basic goal. Training entails stretching, basic techniques, Katas and sparring. Techniques include deep stances, punches and kicking, blocks and sidewards movements. The class is taught by Tabata Sensei, an 8th degree black belt and former US national coach. Intro to Pilates An introduction to the variety of pilates exercises and theories. Become comfortable with your own body and aware of its amazing capabilities! Rugby Introduction to the sport of rugby covering basic fundamentals, rules, and team play. Scrimmaging will be non-contact. Sailing Introduction to the basic fundamentals of sailing with theory and practice. Take advantage of MITs fine sailing facility on the Charles River. Students must present a boating swim test certificate at the first class. Squash Introduction of the basic skills for beginners who wish to learn this fast moving indoor racquet sport. All necessary equipment is provided. Yoga Energy, peak performance, and relaxation provide a practical toolbox of techniques and experiences. It is designed to empower you to concentrate, remember, generate energy, and sleep well. The meditations give you perspective and help balance the competing demands of a fast-paced life. (complete listing of classes) What do you recommend?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Outsider Perspective Nurse At Abington Hospital Essay
Part A: Outsider Perspective - Nurse at Abington Hospital It smells like old people. The whole floor reeked like smelly diapers. I was dressed in my dark blue scrubs with my brand new Nike running shoes, ready to take on my ten-hour shift. Most teenagers think volunteering looks so good on their high school resumes for colleges, however, in reality, it means absolutely nothing. There was a nice looking volunteer standing at the nurses desk. She was dressed in khakis and a bright blue shirt. I went over and greeted her. She then smiled and said, â€Å"hi, I am a new volunteer and I just started today. How are you?†She automatically seemed like she had an outgoing personality. I wish we had more volunteers like her, those who genuinely love to be here instead of just coming for the hours. Afterwards, I began giving her some work to do. She was surprisingly shy at first but she adapted to the patients very quickly. She walked in the hallways as if she was completing a mission; she got all her tasks done within the first hour she was there. Let me remind you, she was here for three more hours. What more could I give her to keep her busy? I have ran out of ideas. Therefore, I began coming up with jobs for her to do. She amazed me. Every job I made up and gave her she precisely finished it and began the next on fairly quickly. It was down to the last hour. Lunchtime was over and she just finished helping all of the nurses feed the patients. She came to me with a smile as bright as
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Brave New World By Bernard Marx - 1682 Words
A Brave New World contains numerous well-developed and complex characters, yet the most compelling one, by far, is Bernard Marx. While not likable, per say, Bernard’s characterization and development are very thought-provoking and intricate. From his introduction to the novel, Bernard stands out in the midst of the monotonous World State. Much like his namesake, Karl Marx, Bernard too finds himself at conflict with society, though the nature of his conflict shifts as the novel progresses. During the first few chapters, Bernard seems to be at odds with society, due to its treatment of women, sex, and its own people. The pinnacle of Bernard’s rebellion is in the second section of the sixth chapter, where the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning threatens to send Bernard to Iceland, as a punishment of his subversive behaviors. Instead of teaching him a lesson like the Director intended, Bernard is thrilled to have finally stood up to ‘the man’. â€Å"For Bernard left the room with a swagger, exulting, as he banged the door behind him, in the thought that he stood alone, embattled against the order of things; elated by the intoxicating consciousness of his individual significance and importance.’ (p. 66) After the second part of chapter six, Bernard’s facade falters, until by the eleventh chapter it completely falls apart. Once Bernard confronts the Director in the Fertilizing Room, John becomes the center of attention as ‘all upper-caste London was wild to see this deliciousShow MoreRelatedBrave New World Discussion Questions1321 Words  | 6 PagesBrave New World Discussion Questions Question 1: Each novel immerses us, instantly, into a world that simultaneously is foreign and familiar. Establish the characteristics of the society that the author creates and analyze the intricacies (complexities) of the society being presented. In what ways is it like and unlike our own society? In Aldous Huxley’s science fiction novel Brave New World, a distinct society is illustrated. The author depicts a civilization that is specifically based on severalRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World844 Words  | 4 Pagescaught between the innate desire to belong and a sense of self and difference from the society that he belongs to. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, such is the case with Bernard Marx. Marx faces the immense dilemma of not fitting in in the greatly socialized and cohesive civilization that he lives in, the â€Å"Brave New World.†Despite how much Bernard disdains this world, which he identifies as brainwashed and infantile, he cannot help desiring to belong. Huxley brilliantly contrasts Marx’s hatred ofRead MoreJohn The Savage As A Dystopian Society1360 Words  | 6 PagesA society created around the thought of peace and everyone being happy is hard to imagine, In A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley has created a dys topian society in which almost everyone is happy and almost everyone is made just how he or she were intended to be. In A Brave New World, John The Savage has come to a part of the world he is not familiar with. This society is very different from the society he is use to; this dystopian society has mass-produced humans, so that everyone who is doing theRead MoreBrave New World - Huxleys Message1253 Words  | 6 PagesA protagonist is described as the prominent character in a novel or text. In Aldous Huxley’s â€Å"Brave New World†, John the Savage is the central protagonist opposed to Bernard Marx or Helmholtz Watson because he symbolizes cultural difference amongst the World State and the Savage Reservation. Although Bernard and Helmholtz demonstrate differences that would not be accepted in the civilized society, they are only seen as leading characters. Huxley uses John’s character to point out the short comingsRead MoreEssay on Conformity in Brave New W orld1122 Words  | 5 PagesConformity in Brave New World  The novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley first published in 1932, presents a very bleak out look of what future society will be like. The novel presents a future of where almost total conformity is a carefully guarded aspect of society. Even before one is decanted they are conditioned to fill a specific roll and to act a certain way.  Everyone, while still in their jar, is conditioned to fit into a specific caste. The castes range from AlphaRead MoreAldous Huxley s Brave New World1310 Words  | 6 PagesAldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a fascinating and analytical work of fiction warning society of the possibility of a future world state eerily similar to the modern world. It could be argued by the fictional citizens and many others that the World State is in fact utopian. Constant happiness, fulfillment, and instant gratification. However, Brave New World clearly depicts a deteriorating dystopian society. Although by the World State’s citizens it is seen as an impeccable, expedient utopian societyRead MoreThe Isolation Of Bernard Marx1073 Words  | 5 PagesMrs. Peterson 16 August 2016 Brave New World Essay on the Isolation of Bernard Marx Aldous Huxley develops many of his characters in Brave New World by focusing on how their interactions with those around them influences their personalities. During this post-Ford era, the world has become extremely well-organized. Mass production, hypnopaedia, and narcotic usage are common practices promoted by those in power. However, Huxley quickly introduces the audience to Bernard Marx, an Alpha-Plus who is constantlyRead MoreCharacter Development in Brave New World1086 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel, Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley, the author uses character development to contrast the two different societies present in the novel.He shows the importance of morality, or an increase in wisdom in the character of humankind. The author contrasts a society full of static and flat characters and another society full of round characters. In order to show the importance of life experiences in changing the character of individuals in the society. Bernard Marx an Alpha plusRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Brave New World 1213 Words  | 5 PagesBrave New World-Book Chart Title Significance The author chose the title ‘Brave New World’ because it is a reference to what John had read in a book. Like the character in the book, John believes he will enjoy this new world and will finally fit in somewhere, but it’s when he gets there that he realizes that the new world is restricting him from being himself. Also, I think the book is called ‘Brave New World’ because it relates to plot when John is leaving the reservation where he is not respectedRead MoreRevealing The Dystopia Of Brave New World1702 Words  | 7 PagesRevealing The Dystopia Of Brave New World Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World reflects the fallacies of utopian happiness when a totalitarian government artificially controls a society. Controllers of the â€Å"World State†in Brave New World strategically allow their citizens to use designer drugs, mainly Soma, to create an unintelligent and unquestioning population that is segregated into five different social classes. However, there are some rebels in the midst of the World State that don’t stand true
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Reaction to Apollo 13 Free Essays
The movie Apollo13 is great but little kind of boring. Tom Hanks is a great artist! He is my idol. One of his great movie is Forrest Gump. We will write a custom essay sample on My Reaction to Apollo 13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now By the way, The Apollo13 is America’s third moon landing mission. En route, an onboard explosion deprives their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply and electric power, forcing NASA’s flight controllers to abort the Moon landing, and turning the mission into a struggle to get the three men home safely. I thought Jim’s wife was his mother. Cause, look to old for me. Just kidding, Well done! My Reaction to Armageddon Armageddon is the best movie of all the three that you gave to us Ma’am! There’s a love story and it is based on true story life. At first, All of the scene was so hilarious but then at last, So many lives to sacrifice the tragedy. Only three of crew was survive, the Russian, the Boyfriend, the Insane, the Father Bald. The Russian was so funny when he was going to fix the components, he said â€Å"Russia and America has a same components but its made from China†, After that he pupok only then its already fix, and they got home or back to earth. The movie was about A massive meteor shower destroys the Space Shuttle Atlantis and bombards New York City, the East Coast, and Finland. NASA discovers that a Texas-sized asteroid will collide with Earth in 18 days, creating another extinction event. So, they create a team that going explode the asteroid. The mission was successful. My Reaction to Space Station The movie was a documentary type, its more fun in the outer space. When I was a child, I love stars and other heavenly bodies etc. I have so many idea with regarding to Space. Tom Cruise is the narrator and main cast in the movie. They show all of equipment and other needs in going to space. They go to the  futuristic laboratory where future technologies are perfected and existing problems solved by a combination of dedication, bravery, and innovation. How to cite My Reaction to Apollo 13, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
French and Indians Essay Example For Students
French and Indians Essay The French and Indian War was caused by the worldwide struggle for empire by France, Spain, and England. The fighting of these countries often times spilled over into North America, where colonist were dragged into three wars: King Williams War, Queen Annes War and King Georges War, these wars lasted between 1689 and 1748. With the threat of war breaking out in Europe, the prospect of more colonial warfare remained. To gather a plan of defense and to gain Iroquois as allies, representatives from seven colonies and the Iroquois League met in Albany, New York. During the Albany Congress the delegates adopted Benjamin Franklins Albany Plan of Union. However the colonial assemblies rejected the plan, fearing that it would cause a raise in taxes and give Great Britain an up hand in power. The Iroquois decided that the English were too disunited to defeat the French, would not commit their support. In 1749 land speculators bought land in Virginia, hoping that there would be a quick profit form its resale. The Virginians felt the need to protect their land so the built forts at the junction of Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers- this is present day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The French thought that the land was theirs as well, so of course this caused some friction between the British and French. During the friction the French decided to dive the Virginians off of the land. Once the Virginians were off the land they completed the fort and named it Fort Duquesne. This outraged, Lieutenand Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent George Washington and a company of militia to send the French from the area. But the French but up a good fight for the land. The British was just as determined to keep the land so they sent General Braddock, Washington and a large force of British and colonial soldiers to take Fort Duquesne back for their own. The colonial forces however were very inexperienced in warfare and the British forces panicked when they met the French and their force of Delawares, Ottawas, Abnakis, and other Native Americans. During August of 1751 the British lost Oswego and Fort William Henry to the French. The French were almost imposable beat in battle; this is mostly because of their war tactics. The French were influenced by the Indians a great deal, this is noticeable in the was that they where lightly clothed and armed. They also attacked from all sides and took great advantage in using all trees and bushes. For a while Britains luck was not look good in winning the land. But a British cabinet minister William Pitt helped change Britains luck. Pitt assumed full control over Britains war efforts. He sent plenty of money and troops into North America and his efforts paid off. In the July of 1758 the British forces captures Louisbourg on Cape Brenton Island, which guarded the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Louisbourg fall meant that the British could control French supplies from reaching Canada. Soon after this the British once again work miracles in capturing Fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario. Once the British arrived at Fort Duquesne, the French blew up the fort rather than surrendering to the British. Once the Iraquois saw that British has defeated the French, the Iraquois reassessed their neutrality and lent spport to the British. With the Iraquois joining forces with the British the French lost their Indian allies in the Ohio Valley. The French soon after abandoned their remaining forts and they moved up to Canada. French had nowhere to run for British forces followed them up to Quebec where once again the British conquered the French. This completed the war in North America although fighting remained in other parts of the world for two more years. In all the French and Indian War lasted for seven years making it known as the Seven years war. .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .postImageUrl , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:hover , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:visited , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:active { border:0!important; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:active , .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307 .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u424b575ce3920cf38a709c9c228c4307:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Reasons For Being Vegetarian Essay At first the British did not seem to have much of a chance seeing how the French used more of a guerilla warfare tactic. The British refused to surrender with their loses and eventually gained strength, eventually winning the war. Bibliography: none .
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